Monday, July 25, 2011

Cooperative Learning for grades 4-6

The need for Cooperative Learning extends to the upper-elementary grades. Students at these higher levels still need to be engaged. At this age, students have more skills when it comes to staying focused and, provided they have worked cooperatively in the past, team work.

At this phase, students are developing as critical thinkers who are investigating and debating ideas with their classmates. Cooperative Learning Activities should be focused on developing students as higher-order thinkers and problem solvers. Due to the general increase in attention span at this stage, students can have a little more freedom in terms of their investigations. The objectives and goals of each activity should be clear and focused, but the methods can be a little more flexible.

The activity in this link, is for grades 1-6 and uses baking M&M cookies that can be adapted to reach several content areas including: Data Tracking, Graphs, Probability, and Measurement.

M&M Activity

The video below is a great resource for how to teach Math as a social activity. Students in grades 4-6 are exceptionally social. They are developing communities and learning how to be a productive part of a community. Integrating their social behaviors into their learning is extremely effective.

When it comes to learning Math at this age, enthusiasm of the teacher, and opportunities to work together to investigate knowledge go a long way. Students will gain excitement and become intrigued by Math and Problem Solving Strategies.

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